Virtual Wall


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წიგნის ფორმატი



Self-isolation can be tough. People around the world, all with different backgrounds and life experiences, are feeling the same sense of disconnection, anxiety, and uncertainty that comes with isolation. This unprecedented challenge also offers unique opportunities, like finally carving out sometime for self-care. In the book "Virtual Wall" I rounded up a series of lifestyle tips that you can practice to maintain and even improve your well-being, all while passing the time. I am proud that you explore motivation in yourself and it pushed you to take this book ! I am talking about your desire to transform ! You want to change and probably want to become a better version of yourself, simply full of more self acceptance.

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გამომცემლობაქეთევან ქოჩლაძის წიგნები
გამოცემის წელი2022

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