Stalin - New Archival Materials for Biography
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წიგნის შესახებ
თენგიზ სიმაშვილი
Tengiz Simashvili
წიგნის ფორმატი
The Georgian archives give us the best insight of situation in region where young Ioseb Jughashvili grown up and was established as individual personality. It almost impossible to know and research young Stalin without proper knowledge of Georgia in 1860-1910. It is hard to draw more or less accurate picture of this controversial leader without knowledge of the Georgian archives or even the Georgian language. All material preserved in local Georgian archive or manuscript centers need close and in dept examination. This work, whether published in English, guides the readers to in dept knowledge of Georgian past where young Stalin lived, strived and struggled to take his place. We confident that after finishing this volume regular readers or even scholars of the Stalin era will definitely learn more about life and activities of the greatest leader of the Soviet People. There are analyzed documents which were found in Georgian archives. Part of copy of documents are in this work too.
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